
Sending Personal Emails on Company Time

Another form of employee theft is using company time to send personal emails. It ten workers send three personal emails each, which take a total of 7 hours to complete, at a cost of $10/hour. this will cost the company $ 70.00. Which equates to $490.00 a week and $25,480.00 a year lost to employee theft.

Sick Days

Using sick days when an employee is not sick is another form employee theft. If three workers call in sick for one 8-hour day when they are healthy, at a cost of $10/hour this equates to  $240.00 a day. Which is $1,680.00 a week and $87,360.00 a year lost to employee theft.

Making Personal Copies at Work

Another example of employee theft can be using office resources to make personal copies. If one worker makes 300 personal copies on the company photocopier, at a cost of $.05/copy that equates to $15.00. Which can equate to $105.00 a week and $5,460.00 a year lost to employee theft.

Covering personal expenses through the company

Using company expenses for personal reason is another form of employee theft. If  one employee sends three personal packages at the company’s expense, at a cost of $7, $4.50, and $12 this totals $23.50 a day. Which comes up to $164.50 a week and $8,554.00 a year lost to employee theft.

Computer Games

Plays games at work also creates a problem at work and is another form of employee theft. If three employees play computer games for a total of 4 hours each, at a cost of $10/hour the company will lose $120.00 a day. This equates to $840.00 a week and $53,680.00 a year lost to employee theft.

Extended Lunches

Using company time by taking extended lunch is yet another form of Employee theft that costs. If four workers take an extra half-hour for lunch, at a cost of $14/hour this equates to $28 a day.  Which comes to $196.00 a week and $10,192.00 a year lost due to Employee Theft.

Late Employees

Showing up late or leaving work early can cost a company substantially. If three workers arrive at work 15 minutes late, at a cost of $11/hour that will cost the company $8.25 a day. Which equates to $57.75 a week and $3,003.00 a year lost to Employee Theft.